Robert C. Marshall is a Distinguished Professor of Economics and Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Auctions, Procurements, and Competition Policy at The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Marshall is a recognized thought leader in the areas of industrial organization, collusion, applied game theory, auctions, and procurements. He has served as a testifying expert in major antitrust litigation matters, with particular expertise in antitrust liability and cartels.
Dr. Marshall has testified before Congress regarding incentives in procurement contracting and published extensively. His articles in peer-reviewed journals and elsewhere include topics on collusive mechanisms, detection of bidder collusion, and incentives in procurement contracting. A 2011 paper, “Plus Factors in Agreements in Antitrust Law” (Michigan Law Review, December 2011, with Kovacic, Marx, and White), won the Jerry S. Cohen Memorial Fund Writing Award for best antitrust scholarship. Dr. Marshall has also published a book, coauthored with Leslie M. Marx, titled The Economics of Collusion: Cartels and Bidding Rings (MIT Press, 2012). He has served on two panels for the National Research Council and he is on the editorial board of the Journal of Antitrust Enforcement.
PhD, Economics, University of California, San Diego
AB, Economics, Princeton University
Selected Work
Selected Experience
- In the matter Certain Softwood Lumber Products from Canada, provided expert report and testimony before the US Department of Commerce on behalf of the Government of Québec regarding allegations of government-induced price distortions in Québec’s timber auctions.
- In the matters Mansker v. Farmers Insurance Company of Washington, Butler and Snyder v. Farmers Insurance Company of Washington, and Merrill v. PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company, provided expert reports and deposition testimony on behalf of each of the defendants concerning diminution in vehicle market value after an accident.
Served as an economic expert on behalf of a defendant in the criminal proceeding United States of America v. Joseph Wolfson.
In In re Puerto Rican Cabotage Antitrust Litigation, served as an economic expert on behalf of a coalition of direct-action plaintiffs.
In the matter Dahl v. Bain Capital Partners, provided expert report on behalf of class Plaintiffs regarding the application of auction theory for the calculation of antitrust damages in the context of leveraged buyout transactions.
In the matters United States ex rel. Bunk v. Birkart Globistics and United States ex rel. Ammons v. Pasha Group, provided expert report, deposition, and trial testimony on behalf of the United States regarding damages from price-fixing and bid rigging conduct by German moving companies involved in the transportation of US military personnel household goods.
In In re Chocolate Confectionary Antitrust Litigation, provided expert reports and deposition testimony on behalf of defendant Nestlé USA regarding allegations of price fixing.
In In re Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) Antitrust Litigation, provided liability expert report and deposition testimony for several direct and indirect plaintiffs regarding the scope of a price-fixing conspiracy.
In In re Ready-Mixed Concrete Antitrust Litigation, provided expert report and deposition testimony in an analysis of class certification issues on behalf of defendants.
In In re Linerboard Antitrust Litigation, provided liability expert report and deposition testimony for a large coalition of direct-action plaintiffs involved in a complex horizontal conspiracy matter.
In In re Vitamins Antitrust Litigation, provided liability expert report and deposition testimony regarding the existence of collusive behavior on behalf of more than 100 direct action plaintiffs.