Galen Erickson is a Manager in Bates Whites’ Energy and Transfer Pricing Practices. Within Bates White’s Energy Practice, Galen has supported numerous experts on matters related to electric industry policy, resource procurement, and utility operations. He specializes in constructing, managing, and analyzing complex data sets such as the hour-by-hour energy output of a utility's power plants or the intra-company financial flows of multinational corporations. Mr. Erickson is also a skilled qualitative researcher and has supported testifying experts in compiling reports for submission to state energy regulators, independent arbitrators, and federal courts.
MA, International Economics and Finance, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
BA, International Relations, University of Southern California
Selected Work
Selected Experience
- Supporting the experts in their role as Procurement Monitor on behalf of the Illinois Commerce Commission in the procurement of energy, capacity, zero emission credits, and renewable energy credits from wind, solar, brownfield solar, and distributed generation for three Illinois utilities.
- Supported the expert in his role as testifying expert related to the results of the Maryland Utilities’ 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 Requests for Proposals for Standard Offer Service.
- Monitored Potomac Electric Power Company’s 2021 and 2022 Requests for Proposals for Full Requirements Wholesale Supply to the District of Columbia’s Standard Offer Service customers.
- Supported the experts' testimony in The Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Establish Export Credits for Customer Generated Electricity.
- Supported the expert in his role as a testifying expert related to the request of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company d/b/a National Grid, NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy, and Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company d/b/a Unitil for remuneration payments under clean energy power purchase agreements (Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, Docket Nos. D.P.U. 20-16, D.P.U. 20-17, D.P.U. 20-18).
- Supported the experts in two audits of a utility’s fuel and purchased power cost recovery mechanism.
- Supported the experts on behalf of the Internal Revenue Service in several matters before the US Tax Court.
- Supported the expert and a team of finance economists developing testimony related to insurance claims in an independent arbitration.